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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:31 pm    Post subject: REGISTRATION and LOG-IN Reply with quote

The following email domains are NOT allowed at the Rancor Pit:

Before registering for the Rancor Pit, please add forums -at- to your email contacts to prevent Rancor Pit registration emails going to spam/junk folders.

Please see the phpBB forums FAQ for general assistance with Registration and Log-In Issues. If you are having trouble registering or logging in, please also see below. If you have registered but can't remember your log in credentials, please do not try to register again without first following the steps below.

Here are the Registration Agreement Terms.

Loc Taal wrote:
Registration Process
I've modified the registration process so that it just sends an email to the admins. The admins then have to manually create the account. This is more manual, and new people registering will have to wait for their account to be created, but I'm hoping that it cuts down on the number of spambots around here.

The registration requests are now forwarded to me and I manually create new accounts, which is laborious but does minimize spammers getting registered. I try my best to complete all legitimate, non-duplicate registration requests within 72 hours, which then sends the email with the activation link to the registrant.

You must click the activation link in the email you get to complete the registration. Please watch for for this activation email and check spam, junk, or any other folders.

Please change your password after activating your registration!

FORGOTTEN LOG-IN CREDENTIALS Process - Please follow these steps when you can't Log In because you have forgotten your username or password. If a step doesn't resolve the issue, please try the next step.
    1. If you remember your Rancor Pit username and email address on your user account but not your password, please use the "I forgot my password" process to enter your username and email address to reset your password.

    2. If you remember your username but forget your password and the email address, then please try all your possible email addresses in the "I forgot my password" process until you get one that the system indicates does have an account, and complete the process.

    3. If you remember the email address on your account but forget your username, then please attempt to search for your username in your registration email and use the forum's Member List. You can sort the list alphabetically (ascending or descending), but you can also sort the list by Join Date/Descending to get the most recent registrations first to hopefully jog your memory. Once you've found your username, use the "I forgot my password" process.

    4. If you still can't find your username or email address, then submit a new registration request. Please allow 72 hours. If I receive a registration request for an existing username or email address thus preventing me from registering you, nothing may happen. You may have to create a new email account for yourself through gmail or whatever. Please try to re-register with a different username/email address combo (allowing 72 hours each) until you get an activation email, and complete the registration process.

    5. If all else fails, you can email forums -at- with as much information as possible.

    6. Please record your Log In credentials and make sure your email address is kept up-to-date on your account!

If any anyone knows about someone else having trouble registering or logging in, please refer them to this thread. If any registered and logged-in users have any questions, please feel free to ask here. Please see below for background on this post. Thank you.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:22 pm    Post subject: Forgotten Log-In credentials, duplicate registrations Reply with quote

Let me please reiterate here that during the "registration blackout" of our ownership transition, I saved every single registration email sent to me. When the registration issue was fixed, I used the saved emails to delete every single account and reregister them from scratch so they would then get their activation email they hadn't got before. Some of the new users have successfully logged in, and a couple have posted. There should not be anyone that did not get successfully registered unless they did not complete the activation process in the email, but as far as I know there is no expiration on that so the link in the email and temporary password should still work.

In the short time I have been handling Registration, I've already had several new users forget their Log-In credentials. The "I forgot my password" process on the Log In screen requires you to enter both your username and email address. This process has been tested to work since the server migration.

A couple users have sent messages through other people and asked them to change their password. I found that this was an issue in the past for Loc Taal. I will no longer reset someone's password by a message being passed along because bypassing the security process of sending an reset password email to the registered email address allows people to hijack someone else's account. If the prior email address (or username) is forgotten and can't be recovered, then the solution is to create a new account.

I've also had a handful of existing users (who have never posted) attempt to re-register with a different username but the same email address, and the system disallows me to create a second account with the same email address (or username) as an account already registered. Until now, I have laboriously searched for the previous account with the same email address, deleted the previous account, and then registered the new one. I will do this no more.

Hopefully the OP process will minimize these issues.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FYI for lurkers and new visitors, please be advised that Forum Registration will be down for only a week starting later today. If you haven't registered yet and want to join, register now. If you need registration or log-in assistance, see the OP above. Thank you.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry that I slacked on checking the website email address and missed several registration requests. I'm all caught up now.

Registration trivia: Since I took over the Pit, new member registrations have about doubled.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
I'm sorry that I slacked on checking the website email address and missed several registration requests. I'm all caught up now.

Registration trivia: Since I took over the Pit, new member registrations have about doubled.

It's probably the spammers; they can smell noob webmasters. Twisted Evil
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
Whill wrote:
Registration trivia: Since I took over the Pit, new member registrations have about doubled.

It's probably the spammers; they can smell noob webmasters. Twisted Evil

Haha. Actually I've been fairly successful at filtering spammers out in Registration. Only a few have gotten through and posted this year.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
CRMcNeill wrote:
Whill wrote:
Registration trivia: Since I took over the Pit, new member registrations have about doubled.

It's probably the spammers; they can smell noob webmasters. Twisted Evil

Haha. Actually I've been fairly successful at filtering spammers out in Registration. Only a few have gotten through and posted this year.

We appreciate your efforts. One of my main responsibilities as a moderator over on the G+ community is cleaning the spam filter on a regular basis, so you have my sympathies.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately, spammers attempting to register here seems to be on the uptick and I have to spend time filtering them out.

With regards to the OP, please do not attempt to register again if you already have. I get this a lot, and I don't find out that it is a duplicate registration until after creating the new registration. This includes users have registered but never posted. A simple way to increase your chances of remembering your log in credentials after you register is to be active and post on the site.

Please follow the process in the OP if you can't remember your log in credentials. Thank you.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Unfortunately, spammers attempting to register here seems to be on the uptick and I have to spend time filtering them out.

So there is a uptick in both real registration and spammers? Probably people coming from G+ checking out the Pit.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Registration Information

username: Potroclo


how_found: googling, please let me join I'm no bot, this must be my 5th try... Is somebody even moderating this?

Yes, I am actively processing registrations. I registered this username with a different email address on February 10th. I received a registration request for the current email address and this same username a couple weeks ago. I sent a personalized email from forums -at- to the new email address on 4/16 offering assistance. I have received no replies to your email.

I received this registration request (the third for this username) today. Then 7 minutes later I received another registration request for a different username but same email address (please do not spam-register multiple times in a row like that). I just deleted the 2/10 registration and re-registered you for the current email address. You should be receiving emails asking you to click on a link to activate your registration. Check your junk folders.

I'm sorry for the trouble you seem to be having with registering, but other new members have registered, activated their accounts, and posted of the forum in this timeframe. Please see the OP of this thread for assistance. Thanks.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:51 pm    Post subject: Re: REGISTRATION and LOG-IN Reply with quote

Site Admin wrote:
With regards to the OP, please do not attempt to register again if you already have. I get this a lot, and I don't find out that it is a duplicate registration until after creating the new registration.

Site Admin wrote:
The registration requests are now forwarded to me and I manually create new accounts, which is laborious but does minimize spammers getting registered. I try my best to complete all legitimate, non-duplicate registration requests within 72 hours, which then sends the email with the activation link to the registrant.

You must click the activation link in the email you get to complete the registration. Please watch for for this activation email and check spam, junk, or any other folders.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Again, my deepest apologies.
If it's any help; all mails sent from the rancor pit were indeed getting caught in my spam filter, I checked every so often the other times I tried to register (some months ago) but failed to catch the mail before it was automatically deleted (I suppose, because I can't find them). I guess we're so used to automated registration nowadays, we don't take the time to check the junk inbox thoroughly in the next days after registration. So I thought I had been marked as a bot or something, that's why I tried a different approach this last time and included a message that would (hopefully) prove I was a human Laughing again, sorry for the inconvenience, in trying to avoid being marked as a spammer I became one by mistake.
Maybe recommending to include forums -at- as a contact before sending the registration request helps mitigate false registration attempts?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Potroclo wrote:
Again, my deepest apologies. If it's any help; all mails sent from the rancor pit were indeed getting caught in my spam filter, I checked every so often the other times I tried to register (some months ago) but failed to catch the mail before it was automatically deleted (I suppose, because I can't find them). I guess we're so used to automated registration nowadays, we don't take the time to check the junk inbox thoroughly in the next days after registration. So I thought I had been marked as a bot or something, that's why I tried a different approach this last time and included a message that would (hopefully) prove I was a human Laughing again, sorry for the inconvenience, in trying to avoid being marked as a spammer I became one by mistake.

Potroclo, no worries. I never thought you were a bot or spammer, even when you attempted to register twice within a few minutes. I suspected the trouble was Rancor Pit emails being caught by a spam filter. You are not alone this. I'm glad it finally worked out and I'm glad you're here now.

Potroclo wrote:
Maybe recommending to include forums -at- as a contact before sending the registration request helps mitigate false registration attempts?

Excellent suggestion. I've edited that into the very top of the OP.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:41 pm    Post subject: ANNOUNCEMENT Reply with quote

I am working on making some minor improvements to the Registration process. Please be advised that new registration request processing will likely be out of service until Wednesday or Thursday. If you have already submitted a registration request, the link in your activation email should still work at any time, no matter how old the email is (remember to search your email folders, look in spam/junk folders, etc.). Thank you.
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Last edited by Whill on Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Registration seems to be completely down right now. I'll post an update when it is fixed. Thanks.
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