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Dice allocation between general skills and specializations
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 5:39 pm    Post subject: Dice allocation between general skills and specializations Reply with quote

For a long time, I've seen stats where we have general skills and specialization skills. General skills would be blaster, starfighter piloting, persuasion, etc. The specializations, as I call them, are for specific things associated with the skills. Examples would be blaster: hold-out blaster, starfighter piloting: X-wing, and persuasion: oration.

Generally speaking, when I see the dice assigned to the skills, the specialized skills generally have higher dice than the general skills. For example, a character would have starfighter piloting 3D and starfighter piloting: X-wing 6D. So here's my question:

The above character example increases his starfighter piloting skill to 3D+1. That doesn't mean that his starfighter piloting: X-wing increases to 6D+1 as a result. But let's have that character increase his starfighter piloting skill to 6D, so it's the same as the dice allocated to starfighter piloting: X-wing. Now, the character decides to increase his starfighter piloting to 6D+1. Is this permitted? Wouldn't increasing the starfighter piloting to 6D+1 automatically increase his starfighter piloting: X-wing to 6D+1 as well? I ask because I don't think I have ever seen a character with the dice allocated to starfighter piloting being higher than the dice allocated to starfighter piloting: X-wing. Starfighter piloting 9D and starfighter piloting: X-wing 6D, for example.

This question applies to all those skills that can be specialized, like persuasion: oration, persuasion: debate, beast riding: rancor, etc. It doesn't apply to the advanced skills like (A) medicine. I know in cases like that, you need to have minimum die code to a skill, first aid 5D in this case, before you can take an advanced skill. And the advanced skill starts at 1D.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As I understand the specialization rules the specializations "goes away" when the base skill is equal to the specialization.

So Blaster 5D+1
and a Specialization of Hold out for 6D+1

Once the Base Balster skill is 6D+1 and Equal to the Hold out skill you are no longer specialized.

and the skills now becomes Blaster 6D+1

I do not remember from the top of my head the exact rules, but there are rules as to apply and learn later spcializations, in the case above the Hold out specialization would have be relleanred and become a new speciality skill, there should be rules for this I belive but can not remember exactly where
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking in past threads, such as
i mention that
Agreed. I have had a few characters who decided to take a specialty in blaster (or dodge) but after a while ignored it and raised the base skill. Then one day they realised their base skill had surpassed the specialty.

So i'd likely say now, that if they pushed their base skill up to the specialty level, it would just disappear.

There was also this one
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to RAW (2nd R&E at least), the basic skill can be higher than the specialization. The idea that the specialization goes away if the skill is raised above it is not in RAW and is contradictory to what is stated in the rulebook.

PG. 34: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic skill doesn't go up." [Emphasis mine] There's no exception for "but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again".

It seems to be a very common house rule to have the basic skill take over if it surpasses the specialization, though, to the point where I think a lot of people think that it's the actual rule.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fogger1138 wrote:
According to RAW (2nd R&E at least), the basic skill can be higher than the specialization. The idea that the specialization goes away if the skill is raised above it is not in RAW and is contradictory to what is stated in the rulebook.

PG. 34: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic skill doesn't go up." [Emphasis mine] There's no exception for "but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again".

It seems to be a very common house rule to have the basic skill take over if it surpasses the specialization, though, to the point where I think a lot of people think that it's the actual rule.

This is becuse the base skill is generally lower than the specialization.

Blaster 3D+1
Blaster pistpl 4D+1
Incerease blaster to 3d+2 will not improve the secialization.

Ask your self this, I can shoot with ALL tyeoes of blasters at 4D
but I can onlt shoot rifles at 3D since I am a rifle makes no sense.

Once the base skill is equal or higher the character is no longer specilaized, BOTH are in fact RAW, the quote you made here is until the base skill is higher.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 3:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

fogger1138 wrote:
According to RAW (2nd R&E at least), the basic skill can be higher than the specialization. The idea that the specialization goes away if the skill is raised above it is not in RAW and is contradictory to what is stated in the rulebook.

PG. 34: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic skill doesn't go up." [Emphasis mine] There's no exception for "but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again".

It seems to be a very common house rule to have the basic skill take over if it surpasses the specialization, though, to the point where I think a lot of people think that it's the actual rule.

I include skill specialization in my game because it is a nice option to fine tune a PC character concept if need be, and for statting NPCs. I think fogger's reading of the rule is technically the correct one. As-is, once the skills are split, they cannot be put back together. I rather like this RAW.

As I'm sure I stated elsewhere, my experience as GM is that player attribution of the original group often occurs over time, PCs occasionally die, and parties sometimes split up on adventures. I discourage over-specialization because higher level PCs not being well-rounded enough can be deadly. This rule serves as another deterrent to overdoing skill specialization. I suggest players improve the PC's base skills and not specialize until they are fairly sure they won't improve the base skill.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
Once the base skill is equal or higher the character is no longer specilaized, BOTH are in fact RAW, the quote you made here is until the base skill is higher.

I think that's a misreading of what I posted. There's nothing in RAW that says this, and it explicitly says the opposite.

Again: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve."

The skills are separate once you specialize.

Last edited by fogger1138 on Wed Nov 06, 2024 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fogger1138 wrote:
Mamatried wrote:
Once the base skill is equal or higher the character is no longer specilaized, BOTH are in fact RAW, the quote you made here is until the base skill is higher.

I think that's a misreading of what I posted. There's nothing in RAW that says his, and it explicitly says the opposite.

Again: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve."

The skills are separate once you specialize.

Did you read further?

The Specialization can not be LESS than the base skill, this is why it states that once the base skill is equal (or higher) the caharacter is not specilaized.

yes they are TWO seperate skills but they do depend on eachother.

I can learn a NEW SKILL or PECIALIZE in a skill by payuing the cop cost to increase the bae skill by 1 pip

So I have 3D in blaster I pay 3 Cp to learn Blaster rifle speciality making BETTER in the use of the rifle and I have the spcialization of 3D+1 in rifle, the cost of the spciality is 1/2 the CP cost to further improve.

Once the Base skill is 3D+1 I am no longer a rifle specialist, neither am I a rifle specilaist with 3D+1 in rifle and 6D in (ALL) blasters, or?

When you read on how to IMPROVE your skills you also read what happens to specializations.

I amd sure you will have issues arguing that the Pilot who specialized into a Bomber Pilot somehow is a WORSE BOMBER pilot than the non specilized shuttle pilot?

How is that, well if I have 4D+1 in bomber as my speciality and I increase my Pilot skill to 5 D I am now a better Pilot with no speciality on the bomber, I can fly it and fly it better but i am not a bomber specialist compared to any one else with 5D in piloting, only when I am at 5D+1 am I a BOMBER specilaist, this is covered under imprving skills and learning new specilaities.

If I want to use a rifle I roll my blaster skill at 4D when not specilized.
I roll my 3D DEx for ALL non skilled rolls with by blaster if I do not have the balster skill. Default using my attribute.

So I decide to become a sniper, specilaize in long range marksmanship, I specialize in the rifle and needs to keep my rifle skill HIGHER then my pistol skill, I choose to improve ALL blasters and forget about my Rifle Specilalization.

I have blaster 4D
Blaster Rifle 4D+1
I am a specilist with my RIFLE ONLY, but know how to use other blasters as pr skill

I now decide to be the best Rifle specilait in the galaxy by improving my Base Blaster skill to 5D
I now have 5D in ALL blasters incuding rifle by the rules, however what I belive you are arguing is that I now have to roll 4D+1 to my rifle bing LESS good in it then I would if I did not specilize?

I am the best rifle shooter in the galaxy with my 5D Blaster skill and my 3D+1 Rifle skill......I am not convinced I am a specilist any more.

When the base skill is Equla the specilaization is "paused to be removed" as it is no longer needed as a seperate skill, What would be the reason to specilaize DOWN in dice ?

So once the skill is EQUAL I am equally good with ANY Blaster, including rifle so why am then "needing" a specilaization in rifle that is less than my actual skill? (5D ALL balsters inclusing skill, Rifle spcialist(expert) has 4D+1) this is not possible under the rules in any way.

So you then to continue being a rifle specialist you pay the 5cp cost to put rifle and rilfe ONLY at 5D+1, now you can use ALL blasters to 5D and you have the special focus and expertise in the rifle that is 5D+1

It ususually never come to that with specilaities, but they are in fact not specilaities when you are equalliy goord n all and npt "focuesd" on Only ONE Weapon.

how would you read a person with 5D in ALL Blasters, ad in Blaster 5D and how can a person now with a speciality be WORSE by having 4D+1 in the speciality?

I am a excellent driver in all things wheeled, but becuse I am a specilaist Truck Driver I can barely start the truck........

So you are wrong!

Yes a specilaization is a seperate skill but a dependent one, and it is stated in the RAW that once the base skills is equla you are not a specialist any more, but you can continue the specialization and add new ones.

I am a pilot I can fly Anything, and I have a 6D skill in all piloting skills, (captal, transports and starfighters) but I am not that good at piloting my headunter becuse I only have 4D+2 in it?

Well here is the rules kicker, this is not possible bcuse I will always by the raw roll on the HIGHesT skill or my default, (for the brahs pilot this is MeC 4D)
So I can roll mechical 4D and be equally good in all, I can spcialize to roll 4D+1 in a speciiality skill of X-wing
I incres NOT my specilaity ever but I only increase my basic piloting 6D

Now according to the rules I can fly ALL ships with 6D in skill but somehow you make it sound like I can not fly the X wing with more than 4D+1 make sense of that?

I think you should read more into specilaities and how they work
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
Did you read further?

The Specialization can not be LESS than the base skill, this is why it states that once the base skill is equal (or higher) the caharacter is not specilaized.

I have read further, yes. There's no mention of this in R&E that I can find. Can you give me a page number from R&E, which is (as I mentioned before) where I'm looking?

I don't see any mention of it in 2E either, although I will admit I'm less familiar with that (and wasn't talking about it).

Mamatried wrote:
So you are wrong!

Happy to concede this if you can provide quotes from the source.

Mamatried wrote:
I think you should read more into specilaities and how they work

Point me to where you're finding this and I'd be happy to.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

See my previous post. A friendly reminder for all to not ignore my posts. And there are forum guidelines against misrepresenting RAW and presenting your house rules as RAW.

And Mamatried, please run your posts through spell check. You get to choose which dialect of English you want — Just pick one. You have been asked to do this privately several times.

Mamatried wrote: would you read a person with 5D in ALL Blasters, ad in Blaster 5D and how can a person now with a speciality be WORSE by having 4D+1 in the speciality?

I am a excellent driver in all things wheeled, but becuse I am a specilaist Truck Driver I can barely start the truck........

So you are wrong!...

Don't make statements like "So you are wrong!" without a specific citation of evidence (and even then, perhaps it could be worded in a more friendly way).

Your argument evokes what makes sense, but fogger1138 was not arguing what makes sense. He was stating what RAW happens to be, and what you are arguing is not what the rules actually say. While I agree with your logic that a skill specialization being lower than a base skill doesn't seem to make sense, there is no RAW against that happening. There is no rule that once you start improving a specialization, the base skill cannot later be improved to more than the specialization. There is also no rule stating the specialization recombines with the base skill once the base skill is brought up to the die code value of the specialization. Therefore, strictly speaking, once you specialize, the specialty is a separate skill from the base skill and thus on a separate improvement track.

Now a GM could rule that a player with a base skill higher than a specialization could then choose from using the base or the specialization (whichever is higher) for what the specialization covers, thus the specialty is simply not used anymore, but that would be a GM making a ruling for a situation not specifically dealt with in the rules.

And it would be rare that this situation would ever come into play anyway. Specializations are normally not improved unless the player is done improving the base skill.

I personally like the idea of everything the specialization covers being "locked" into the die code value of the specialization skill, as a detergent to players overspecialization, regardless of how much it makes sense.

However, maybe I would rule you can use either/or, but even if I did, the CPs spent on the specialization would just wasted after the base skill is improved up to the value of the specialization, because that would still be a deterrent to overspecializing too soon.

I'll be sure to let you guys know what I choose if that ever happens. In all my decades of running this game, I've never had a player with 'specialization buyers remorse' that later wanted to improve the base skill after specializing. It may never happen.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Mamatried wrote: would you read a person with 5D in ALL Blasters, ad in Blaster 5D and how can a person now with a speciality be WORSE by having 4D+1 in the speciality?

I am a excellent driver in all things wheeled, but becuse I am a specilaist Truck Driver I can barely start the truck........

So you are wrong!...

Don't make statements like "So you are wrong!" without a specific citation of evidence (and even then, perhaps it could be worded in a more friendly way).

Your argument evokes what makes sense, but fogger1138 was not arguing what makes sense. He was stating what RAW happens to be, and what you are arguing is not what the rules actually say. While I agree with your logic that a skill specialization being lower than a base skill doesn't seem to make sense, there is no RAW against that happening. There is no rule that once you start improving a specialization, the base skill cannot later be improved to more than the specialization. There is also no rule stating the specialization recombines with the base skill once the base skill is brought up to the die code value of the specialization. Therefore, strictly speaking, once you specialize, the specialty is a separate skill from the base skill and thus on a separate improvement track.

Now a GM could rule that a player with a base skill higher than a specialization could then choose from using the base or the specialization (whichever is higher) for what the specialization covers, thus the specialty is simply not used anymore, but that would be a GM making a ruling for a situation not specifically dealt with in the rules.

And it would be rare that this situation would ever come into play anyway. Specializations are normally not improved unless the player is done improving the base skill.

I personally like the idea of everything the specialization covers being "locked" into the die code value of the specialization skill, as a detergent to players overspecialization, regardless of how much it makes sense.

However, maybe I would rule you can use either/or, but even if I did, the CPs spent on the specialization would just wasted after the base skill is improved up to the value of the specialization, because that would still be a deterrent to overspecializing too soon.

I'll be sure to let you guys know what I choose if that ever happens. In all my decades of running this game, I've never had a player with 'specialization buyers remorse' that later wanted to improve the base skill after specializing. It may never happen.

I am sorry if the post came out wrong, I still stand by that his interpretation is wrong and that the RAW actaully shows what he claims it does not.

If we read down on specializations we read they are two sepetrate skill, it also states that when the non specialized skill is raised to equal to the specialization THIS skill takes over, meaning it is now One skill and the Specialization is now gone.
PG. 34: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic skill doesn't go up." [Emphasis mine] There's no exception for "but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again"."

"but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again". and this means what?
it means and only mean that the specialization is now "gone" for any and all purposes.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Don't make statements like "So you are wrong!" without a specific citation of evidence (and even then, perhaps it could be worded in a more friendly way).

Your argument evokes what makes sense, but fogger1138 was not arguing what makes sense. He was stating what RAW happens to be, and what you are arguing is not what the rules actually say. While I agree with your logic that a skill specialization being lower than a base skill doesn't seem to make sense, there is no RAW against that happening. There is no rule that once you start improving a specialization, the base skill cannot later be improved to more than the specialization. There is also no rule stating the specialization recombines with the base skill once the base skill is brought up to the die code value of the specialization. Therefore, strictly speaking, once you specialize, the specialty is a separate skill from the base skill and thus on a separate improvement track.

Thanks, Whill.

Mamatried wrote:
If we read down on specializations we read they are two sepetrate skill, it also states that when the non specialized skill is raised to equal to the specialization THIS skill takes over, meaning it is now One skill and the Specialization is now gone.

It does not say that in the rules anywhere I can find, though. (In fact, it says the opposite: "If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve")

Mamatried wrote:
"PG. 34: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic skill doesn't go up." [Emphasis mine] There's no exception for "but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again"."

"but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again". and this means what?
it means and only mean that the specialization is now "gone" for any and all purposes.

Ah, I see. What you're quoting there is something that I noted was specifically not present in the rules.

Let me make this clearer:

This is the only bit I quoted from RAW:
PG. 34: "Specializations are separate skills. If a character improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic skill doesn't go up."

This is editorial commentary on my part. Let me emphasize the first part of the statement so that it's not missed:
There's no exception for "but if the basic skill passes the specialization then it takes over again".

I wouldn't have quoted something from the rules that directly and explicitly contradicts my argument. Very Happy

If I may, I'd recommend that if you want to dispute someone else's reading of the rules, you'd do better by directly referring to the rules themselves and not just what they're saying or quoting. Less chance of confusion that way.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 9:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spirit of the rules.

Blaster Hold out 4D

his skills are Blaster 3D , and ONLY when uisng his hold out he rolls 4D

Joe now advances his Blaster skill to 3D+1
His Hold out specialization does of course not increase.

Joe has now 3D+1 in blaster skill and 4D in hold out blaster specilaization.
Joe advanced through a couple of adventures to 4D in his Blaster skill, but doe not advance his Hold out blaster specialization, he now has the following skills

Blaster 4D
Blaster Hold out 4D

Which is the specialization, in what weapons is he "better" a spcializations indicates that you arte "better" in that limited aspecet of the skill.

Joe now advance to 4D+1 in his blaster skill this skill covers all blasters including hold out.
Joew now has the following skills
Blaster 4D+1
Hold out blaster 4D

How is this possible within the rules ?
The lower blaster hld out here can not be rolled, since the balster skill includes the hold out and is now rolled at a higher dice....

Joe's new skill is Blaster 4D+1
with no spcializarions.

Joe sill want to be a hold out spcialist and on his next advancement he advances his blaster skill to 4D+2 and selects Hold out, for the following skills

Blaster 4D+1
Blaster hold out 4D+2

he is now again specialized.

the deabte is a bit silly imo, since the rules imply that the "highest" skill dice is rolled, and when a base skill is higher or equal to the specialization skill then there is no need to use the lower specialization meaking it "go away", as to a narrative the character can still be a spcialist but the rolls will not reflect that until the spcialzatio is rised.

But you can never have a blaster 4D and hold out 3D+1
since the hold out is already covered by the blaster skill at 4D so it will not and can not be rolled at 3D+1, removing the mechanical effect of the specialization.

now they atre spereate skills since they can be advnced seperately (to a degree)

So choosing or later selecting hold out blaster specialization doe not exclude the hold out form the overall blaster skill.

you roll 5D for ALL blaster wepons with a 5D blaster skill. this makes a specialization of 4D+1 not possible, becuse the spcialized weapon is INCLUDED in the overall skill.

the specialization is about focuing on a "part of a skill" not the full skill and as such they advnce differently at differnt costs.

however is the "highest" roll that is used meaning that ALL blasters are rolled at 5D including the hold out (still at 4d+1) making the specialization "mute" until the spcialization is again advanced and they become two skills.

5D blaster is 5D in ALL blasters including any (previous specializations at 4D+1) that is how the skills work and why a character with Blaster 5D and Hold out 5d is not a spcialized character
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that we'd all agree that what you say has logic behind it and merit in practice in game.

Sometimes discerning exactly what the rules say help with the nitty gritty a few steps down the line.

Let's take your example:

Joe now advance to 4D+1 in his blaster skill this skill covers all blasters including hold out.
Joew now has the following skills
Blaster 4D+1
Hold out blaster 4D

Now, if Joe is rolling with his hold out, I'd absolutely rule that he's rolling 4D+1.

But let's say that Joe is now advancing his hold-out specialization. Does he increase it to 4D+1 or 4D+2? It makes a difference with training time and CP cost.

If there is something specific in the rules as written, then it helps with such hypotheticals.

FWIW, I'd agree with you that what you have is a reasonable interpretation and/or a house rule that I would use at my table. But sometimes it's helpful to just identify what the rules are, even if the RAW can be a bit silly.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

cheshire wrote:
I think that we'd all agree that what you say has logic behind it and merit in practice in game.

Sometimes discerning exactly what the rules say help with the nitty gritty a few steps down the line.

Let's take your example:

Joe now advance to 4D+1 in his blaster skill this skill covers all blasters including hold out.
Joew now has the following skills
Blaster 4D+1
Hold out blaster 4D

Now, if Joe is rolling with his hold out, I'd absolutely rule that he's rolling 4D+1.

But let's say that Joe is now advancing his hold-out specialization. Does he increase it to 4D+1 or 4D+2? It makes a difference with training time and CP cost.

If there is something specific in the rules as written, then it helps with such hypotheticals.

FWIW, I'd agree with you that what you have is a reasonable interpretation and/or a house rule that I would use at my table. But sometimes it's helpful to just identify what the rules are, even if the RAW can be a bit silly.

here you state my point, you do roll with 4D+1 as the BASE BLASTER skill in this case.

if you sue the BASE skill then the "lower specialization" is not used and is thus not in effect, not used aka it goes away and you are no longer specialized.

becuse GAINING A NEW specialization is the cost of the BASE SKILL to add +1Pip you would while still be in the 4D range (4D+1 to 4d+2) would now by the rules const 4cp to !"regain" the specialization becuse you chose to increase the base skill high enough the next advancements will be base skill at full cost or the now re aquitred specialization at 172 that cost.

so to your point there, when the base skill is EQUAL you have to pay full cost to gain a +1 pip into the specialization and from there go with 1/2 cost for advancement.

so back to the 4D+1 blaster skill and the 4D Hold out rolled at 4D+1
to regain hold out as a spcialization the rules "indicate" that the specialization must be higher than the base skill due to roll mechanics.

so with the Base skill now being 4D+1 to regain the Hold out specialization you now pay 4CP to get 4d+2 and place this in hold out which you can advance next time to 5D by speding only 2cp.

you now further the two skills at differnt cost until they become equal, in which you now pay the FULL cost to have +1pip placed in the "new" specialization and then advance that specialization at 1/2 cost.
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