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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Understood. I definitely don't believe he is 5'8" least he doesn't look it in R1.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij wrote:

CHARACTER TUESDAY goes ape, or rather... goes Space Monkey. Stats and write-up for BISTAN, Iakaru U-Wing gunner from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!
Many thanks to Pablo Hidalgo's RO Visual Guide, for fleshing out a background for Bistan that lent itself well to adapting the Iakaru species to D6 mechanics.

See link above for BISTAN and see species stats below:

Homeworld: Iakar
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12

Special Abilities & Story Factors

Exceptional Spatial Awareness: Having evolved in jungle canopy, swinging through dense trees, the surefooted lakaru have developed
quick reflexes and a high degree of body control. Even their sensitive brow tufts contribute to the lakaru's sense of spatial awareness.
In game terms, lakaru gain a +2D bonus to their climbing/jumping rolls, and a +1D bonus to any Dexterity checks that are required to maintain or regain their footing.

Imperial Occupation: With the rise of the Empire and its military expansion, the demand for medical supplies escalated, bringing about the full-scale seizure and Imperial occupation of the planet lakar.

Primitive Society: The lakaru have not yet developed hyperdrive technology, and thus, they are an uncommon sight off of lakar. Their homeworld, however, has long been visited by interstellar trade. For nearly a century, pharmaceutical corporations have sought out the valuable organic compounds that can be harvested from the lush rain forests girding the planet.

Due in part to their already tentative, but increasingly strained trading relationship with the pharmaceutical companies that had set up major research installations on lakar during the Clone Wars, the lakaru are not completely unfamiliar with technology, and are capable of readily adopting its use. However, in game terms, beginning Iakaru characters may not place any starting skill dice in vehicle and starship operation skills, or in technological repair skills.

Visual Acuity: The lakaru possess acute depth perception, as well as keen eyesight. In game terms, the lakaru gain a +1D bonus to visually-based search skill checks.

Sources: Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide. Stats by Telsij.

Telsij, thanks so much for doing this! Most of my PC species are classic trilogy ones, but I've wanted to have at least one new species from each movie on my list. Rogue One doesn't have much in the way of new species but I decided that my Rogue One species would be these guys. Unlike the old days, alien fluff is in short supply so a few days ago I was thinking of soliciting takes on this species to get the creative juices going. And now I don't have to ask because you've already done that. For starters, I will probably will base my version on yours. Thanks again!

Error wrote:
How can an alien the size of a Hobbit (3 ft.) have a ceiling in STR over that of a human? I mean I understand if there's a reason but I am having a hard time believing it currently... I definitely don't believe he is 5'8" least he doesn't look it in R1.

I believe it.
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Force Spirit

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, let's consider muscle structure.

Humans aren't particularly strong for their size. The classic example is probably a chimpanzee as compared to a human.

The male common chimp stands up to 1.2 m (3.9 ft) high and weighs as much as 91 kg (201 lb), as claimed by Wikipedia. However, they have fairly long arms for their height, and they are commonly accepted as being about twice as strong as humans.

The reason for the higher strength seen in chimpanzees compared to humans are thought to come from longer skeletal muscle fibers that can generate twice the work output over a wider range of motion compared to skeletal muscle fibers in humans.

So, I don't find it improbable that some alien race might be much stronger than humans, even if they may be quite a lot smaller.

A male Western lowland gorilla, about the same height as a human and the same weight as a severely overweight human, is much stronger than a human of similar proportions, probably by a factor between two and four - and that's the average case for the gorilla, while the human would have to be in good shape to match up. For the case of an untrained human to the average gorilla, the factor is likely to be four or more.

What humans have that few other apes can match us on, is manual dexterity. Their hands are actually considered more evolved than ours in the sense that they are more specialized while ours are more similar to our common ancestor's hands - but through our bipedalism and hand use, our hands are more well suited for tasks requiring dexterity.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok! If you are all on boards with it, so am I Smile
The only words of explanation you need for any concept in the entire Star Wars universe are the words Science Fiction and Space Opera.
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Xain Arke
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Error The cool thing about the D6 system is that if you don't like certain stats, it's easy to change them to how you would prefer for your own game.

Never feel you have to go with the consensus. Above are just explainations of how that species could be as strong as or stronger than a Human, but if you disagree or don't feel the stats work for how you see the species, then change the ones you don't like to ones you do Smile

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bam! Biff... PAO! Character Tuesday stats and write-up for Paodok'Draba'Takat, amphibiod engineer turned howling commando from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!

As with Bistan and the Iakaru, and even Moroff and the revised Gigorans, the Rogue One Visual Guide
has been a boon to working out the D6 mechanics for both Pao himself, as well as his species. See below:

Homeworld: Pipada
Attribute Dice:

Move: 9/11 (land), 12/14 (water)
Size: 1.5 - 1.75 meters tall


Drabatese: A complex tongue that strings discrete syllables into unwieldy words which encompass multilayered ideas - with context, tense, and other grammatical pieces of information determined by volume, Drabatese is a singularly loud language. When circumstances call for more hushed tones, Drabatans switch to a secondary form of communication: passing air through a vocal pouch that produces a softer, croaking sound that they can vary in pitch. Drabatan love songs use the latter approach, and are renown for their haunting, universal qualities -- which are said to require no translation. In game terms, Drabatan characters who are raised on Pipada, or by native-speaking parents, will normally be fluent in both the primary and secondary forms of Drabatese communication. Non-Drabatans who attempt to speak Drabatese must make Strength checks in addition to language skill checks, in order to be properly understood, with the Strength difficulty determined by the complexity of the ideas being conveyed.

Freshwater Amphibiod: Drabatans are capable of breathing both air and water, but they suffer discomfort and eventual harm when in saltwater conditions. In game terms, for every hour that a Drabatan is submerged in saltwater, he must make a Moderate stamina check or suffer 4D damage. After the first 24 hours of saltwater submersion, the difficulty of these stamina checks rises by one level every two hours thereafter, due to the cumulative effects of saline poisoning. For every hour that a Drabatan is on land bordered by saltwater, and whose air is permeated by traces of salt particles, he must make an Easy stamina check or suffer 2D damage.

Lung Capacity and Diaphragm Strength: Drabatans have highly-developed diaphragm muscles and large lungs. If a Drabatan fail a stamina check required to hold his breath, he may reroll twice to succeed, at no penalty. Drabatans also gain a +3D bonus to any Strength checks used to determine vocal volume, reach and range, while shouting.

Oral Physiology: Drabatans have difficulty pronouncing Basic without effort, due to the unusual structure of their mouths. In game terms, Drabatans incur a +1D penalty to the difficulty of their attempts at speaking Basic, or closely-related languages. In addition, their strong jaws and serrated teeth grant them a +1D damage bonus to bite attacks.

Sources: Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide. Stats by Telsij.

Did a bit more extrapolation here, re: the guide's offhand comment about Pao finding no comfort in saltwater surroundings, coupling that with many of our freshwater creatures on Earth being unable to last more than a day or two if submersed in saltwater. And so, while being on coasts where salt-permeated air is merely uncomfortable for Drabatans, prolonged exposure is more harmful. Makes any saltwater demolitions Pao pulled off more impressive, I'd say! Shout-out also to Shooting Womprats for his suggestions on the mechanics for Pao's Tibanna-jacked blaster rifle. Hope you dig!
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CHARACTER TUESDAY presents a brief break from Rogue One characters: OCCO NINEBAR from Star Wars: Racer Revenge!

n a comment on one of the SWd6 G+ group's "Random Adventures" posts (randomized mission parameters are generated, and members are encouraged to use them as starting points, make suggestions, etc), it was suggested that a Lahsbee be used as a "character on a quest." The outwardly "cute" appearance of that species – before it hulks out, that is – got me thinking on other "cute" species, and how a group of PCs made up entirely of "cute" types (Ewoks, Hoojibs, early model BB astromechs, etc) might make for a fun if not annoying session. That then led to finding out about Occo and the Neelabi.

Homeworld: Neelabi

Attribute Dice: 12D

Move: 8/10 (land), 12/14 (water)
Size: 0.8 meter - 1.25 meters tall

Species Special Abilities & Story Factors:

Competitive Drive: Competition is integral to the Neelabi culture, and determines their social hierarchy. Neelabi gain a +2D bonus to willpower or stamina checks that arise whenever they are engaged in direct competition with other beings. Moreover, Neelabi that achieve public success in competition — whether that competition take the form of simple parlor games, sporting events or even matters of war, he or she gains a +2D bonus to bureaucracy, bargain, con and persuasion rolls against other Neelabi — for as long as he or she remains successful.

Fins: The Neelabi possess fins, rather than humanoid hands with opposable digits. Their marine physiology grants the Neelabi a +2D bonus to all swimming rolls, but tasks that require fine motor skill, such as picking locks, are attempted at a +2D to their difficulty.

Fully Aquatic: The Neelabi thrive in their natural habitat and can withstand the pressures of the deep. When fully submerged in water, Neelabi gain a +1D bonus to their Dexterity, Perception, and Strength attribute and skill checks. This is largely a psychological advantage. However, in order simply to breathe, the Neelabi species must be submerged in water, or must make use of an aquatic breathing apparatus. If they are without either option for a number of rounds equal to their Strength die code, they begin to suffocate. Roll 2D at the beginning of each subsequent round; if the total is less than the number of rounds that the Neelabi has been suffocating, then the character dies. Characters can attempt other actions while suffocating, but do so at a -3D penalty.

Low-light Vision: The Neelabi can see clearly in the ocean depths. They suffer no Perception penalties in low-light conditions, short of absolute darkness.

Sources: Star Wars Racer: Revenge video game by Rainbow Studios,, and wookieepedia. Stats by Telsij.

Last edited by Telsij on Fri May 31, 2019 7:59 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Xain Arke
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hm...never heard of this guy, he's kind of fun looking though.

Also appreciate the additional Species Stats you've been including with these posts, it's good to have them available for players to use.

got me thinking on other "cute" species, and how a group of PCs made up entirely of "cute" types (Ewoks, Hoojibs, early model BB astromechs, etc) might make for a fun if not annoying session.

A 'cute' character adventure would be a great break from a more serious tone campaign, or a game for child players just starting out.

Keep up the good work Telsij

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij, one thing about the artwork for Occo Ninebar: if he's a water-breather, then why is he not wearing some sort of water-breather around his mouth, which is exposed to air? Or are those goggles filled with water and he breathes through his eyes? Shocked

Also, I don't think there should be a comma between "Occo" and "if" in the phrase "Due to the deadly consequences that would result for Occo, if ever his podracer's enclosed cockpit were to rupture". Same thing for the words "route" and "in" in the phrase "Occo will make every effort to find a safer route, in order to circumvent the obstacle entirely".
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sutehp wrote:
Telsij, one thing about the artwork for Occo Ninebar: if he's a water-breather, then why is he not wearing some sort of water-breather around his mouth, which is exposed to air? Or are those goggles filled with water and he breathes through his eyes? Shocked

Haha, if only! The artwork I used for Occo is his concept artwork, as most other images of him readily available online are in-game screenshots, and presented not quite so clear an idea of his appearance. As with the other character concept artwork for the game, despite its design remaining relatively unchanged in the game itself, it shows him in a kind of "context-free" setting / plain white background. Whenever he's shown or written about "in-universe", he's immersed in water.

Sutehp wrote:
Also, I don't think there should be a comma between "Occo" and "if" in the phrase "Due to the deadly consequences that would result for Occo, if ever his podracer's enclosed cockpit were to rupture". Same thing for the words "route" and "in" in the phrase "Occo will make every effort to find a safer route, in order to circumvent the obstacle entirely".

EDIT: I hear ya, as a grammar maven and former English major myself, I was ready to stand by my use of an optional comma for separating conditional or adverbial clauses, for clarity and stylistic purposes. That said, I also thought you had a strong case for each example and I was annoyed at myself and my own English major wankery in the original response I'd posted -- and deleted, haha. It's largely a function of my being so long-winded that my write-ups run the risk of running on and on -- like this post!

Anyway, honest thanks for the close scrutiny and I am glad that my fussing over punctuation doesn't go unnoticed. And thank you for the suggestion. In retrospect, your suggestions do read better and I have made the change and updated the PDF! Thanks again.

Last edited by Telsij on Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:22 pm; edited 12 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Xain Arke wrote:
Hm...never heard of this guy, he's kind of fun looking though.

Also appreciate the additional Species Stats you've been including with these posts, it's good to have them available for players to use.

got me thinking on other "cute" species, and how a group of PCs made up entirely of "cute" types (Ewoks, Hoojibs, early model BB astromechs, etc) might make for a fun if not annoying session.

A 'cute' character adventure would be a great break from a more serious tone campaign, or a game for child players just starting out.

Keep up the good work Telsij


Thank you, Xain! I was actually thinking of scouting out more outwardly "cute" unaddressed, un-statted species. In another thread, a multi-table simultaneous game session of 2 or 3 different groups was described -- each table focusing on one team of a larger mission, not unlike playing out the Battle of Endor.

It sounds like a crazy undertaking anyway, but someday, hopefully one of those SW sessions includes a group of cutesy characters, either for the kids, or taken in the opposite direction, with the game being played super-grim to play off of the stereotypes.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mustaches report in! Green Twelve (WION DILLEMS) standing by. Red Eleven (RALO SURREL) standing by. Red Seven (HARB BINLI) standing by....

For this CHARACTER TUESDAY photo shoot, wild man Wion (on the far left) decided to tote around Biggs' helmet.

I figure the easy in-universe rationale is that because Wion steps in to fill a vacated spot in Green Squadron, Biggs winds up assuming Wion's old spot in Red, complete with rushed helmet hand-offs.

Lock Mustache-s into attack position... and so on. Hope you dig!
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Xain Arke
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lock Mustache-s into attack position...

I laughed more than I probably should have at this...

From a purely self-interested point of view, when you have finished the R1 characters (which are great by the way) will you be going back to Clone Wars? I'd like to see your take on the numerous bounty hunters from the series, some of them were really interesting.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij wrote:

Mustaches report in! Green Twelve (WION DILLEMS) standing by. Red Eleven (RALO SURREL) standing by. Red Seven (HARB BINLI) standing by....

For this CHARACTER TUESDAY photo shoot, wild man Wion (on the far left) decided to tote around Biggs' helmet.

I figure the easy in-universe rationale is that because Wion steps in to fill a vacated spot in Green Squadron, Biggs winds up assuming Wion's old spot in Red, complete with rushed helmet hand-offs.

Lock Mustache-s into attack position... and so on. Hope you dig!

Lol, they certainly were sporting that 70s hair, weren't they? Another nice homage to ANH.

As for what helmet I'd wear, I'd want something like General Merrick's (Blue Leader) helmet. That turquoise was the perfect color, but I'd rather have Sabine's Pheonix Firebird on it instead of the regular Rebel Starbird. How cool would that look?
Sutehp's RPG Goodies
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Xain Arke wrote:
Lock Mustache-s into attack position...

I laughed more than I probably should have at this...

From a purely self-interested point of view, when you have finished the R1 characters (which are great by the way) will you be going back to Clone Wars? I'd like to see your take on the numerous bounty hunters from the series, some of them were really interesting.


Ah good, I am glad my terrible jokes don't completely miss the dartboard and hit the person coming out of the restroom.

And I definitely intend to return to the Clone Wars! Working on the _Rogue One_ sourcebook with ShootingWomprats has just allowed for the discovery of many a minor character in the new canon rebellion era.
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