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Bunch of stuff
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Joined: 13 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:02 pm    Post subject: Bunch of stuff Reply with quote

This is my first posting any home made stats...tell me what you think (Some of these may not be exactly balanced but I tried to make them balanced against their price and availability), also keep in mind that I'm not that good with grammer or writing ability. (Edit, woops hit sumit to soon)
Name: Air Screamer
Craft: Jeved Weapon Industries Aerial Interceptor
Type: Combat fighter
Scale: Speeder
Length: 8 meters
Skill: Ion jet operation: Screamer (Unskilled -3D)
Crew: 1, Co-pilot 1 (Can coordinate)
Crew skill: Varies Widely
Cargo capacity: 5 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude range: Ground-5km
Cost: 115,000 credits (Only available new)
Maneuverability: 4D+2
Move: 600; 1,728 kmh
Body: 2D+1
2 Heavy blaster cannons (Fire-linked)
Fire arc: Front
Scale: Speeder
Fire control: 2D
Range: 50-500/1.5/3 km
Damage: 5D+1
2 Mini-proton torpedoes
Fire arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Fire control: 1D
Range: 50-500/1/1.7 km
Damage: 9D
6 Mini-concussion missiles
Fire arc: Front
Scale: Speeder
Fire control: 3D
Range: 100-300/700/1.5km
Damage: 4D+2

Note: Due to the incredible speeds the craft flies at the pilot if forced to endure heavy G-forces. In game terms this means that whenever the Screamer is traveling at or above high speed and the pilot wishes to make a maneuver with a difficulty above easy (or make a dodge roll) he or she must first make a moderate-heroic+10 stamina roll (depending on the level of the maneuver, GM’s decision. Note that this is a “free” action). Failure means that the pilot is disoriented and suffers a penalty to all actions (-1D for moderate, -2D for difficult, -3D for very difficult, -4D for heroic, -5D for heroic+10), the penalties are cumulative and last for 1D rounds. If at any time the pilot or co-pilot’s stamina reaches 0D or lower (or they roll a one on the wild dice for their stamina check), he or she blacks out for 2D rounds. A High-G suit reduces the difficulty of the stamina check by two levels.
Also the Screamer lacks V.T.O.L capabilities.

Jeved designed this mostly for show and to prove he could. The spec’s were for a lightning fast and extremely maneuverable ship that could be used to defend planets from pirate starfighters. To get the needed speed he first “borrowed” the designs of a Cloud car’s ion engine (actually stole would be a more precise term) and tweaked them to get the maximum amount of speed out of them. After he took care of that, he than added upgraded swoop maneuvering thrusters onto the fighter, added an impressive weapons load out and volla, out came the fighter. Named the Air Screamer for the enormous amount of noise it produces, the vessel turned out to be too expensive for most planetary governments (For the amount you spend on one screamer, you can buy two Z-95’s and still have enough money left over to improve them substantially), but a few Imperial Moff’s have taken a liking to the craft, as their personal courier ship. Though very rare to see the governments with a large amount of them, most pilots find them to be fantastic interceptors.

Name: Aloof Fighter
Craft: Jeved weapon industries/Rapier droid works Ultra light unmanned fighter
Type: Unmanned fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 7.75 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Aloof Fighter
Crew: 0
Crew skill: See below
Cargo capacity: 2 kilograms
Consumables: Has enough battery power to last for 60 days (See below)
Cost: 78,000 credits (Only available new)
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050
Hull: 2D+1
Shields: 0D+2
Passive: 15/0D
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 1/2D
2 Laser cannons (Fire-linked)
Fire arc: Front
Fire control: 0D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D+2
Missile Tube (5 missiles)
Fire arc: Front
Fire control: 0D
Space: 1-4/5/9
Atmosphere: 100-400/500/900
Damage: 7D
Point defense gun
Fire arc: Turret
Fire control: 1D
Space: 1/2/3
Atmosphere: 50-100/200/300
Damage: 5D
Note: Used against incoming missiles and torpedo attacks (Not to mention tail gaiters), This basically works as a parry attempt, the firer rolls his Star ship gunnery against the Aloof’s Starship gunnery (The Aloof’s action is a “free” action). Projectiles that miss the gunnery difficulty explode two space units away, those that pass are figured normally.
Ship Note: After every battle the Aloof participates in, assign it 1-10 character points (Depending on how critical the battle was, and how successful the droid was), As normal these character points can be saved, used to improve existing skills, or to add new ones. Also the droid brains, if taken appropriate actions can accumulate force points. Aloof fighters (When sold new) have zero character points. The ship-board batteries can power the ship for 60 days, it takes one hour to recharge the batteries when depleted (only from a star port or a capital ship power plant, though a S9 heavy power droid can do it in 12 hours).
Aloof droid brain:
Dex 0D, Kno 1D,Tactics: starfighter 3D, Mec 2D, Com/scan 3D, Starfighter piloting 4D, SS gunnery/shields 4D, Per 1D, Str 0D (Has the equivalent body of 1D), Tec 0D. Move: 0, Character points: 0, 2nd degree droid, personality matrix: Advanced. Can combine actions with other Aloof droid brains with out needing a command roll.

A rare joint venture by Jeved Weapon Industries. Designed for a small government who needed a cheap, expendable starfighter defense grid to cover their newly purchased Jeved Rail guns. To effectively use these fighters they must be deployed in groups of a least 4. Though its still advisable to instruct them, the droid brains are clever enough to work without guidance from a command center if need be. Rapier droids (the builders & programmer’s of the droid brain) recommend that baring any severe personality defects you don’t give these droids memory wipes. After each battle the droids (the one’s that live at least) will come back more skilled at starfighter combat. Unlike most ship piloting drones, the Aloof droid brain actually can hold a conversation and, if given time, can seem almost completely sentient.
Name: Argoe cruiser
Craft: Argoe-class Attack cruiser
Type: Heavy cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 215 meters
Skill: Archaic ship piloting: Argoe (unspecialized -3D)
Crew: 250, gunners 55; skeleton 150/+20
Crew skill: Varies
Passengers: 200
Cargo capacity: 5,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: If found can go for up to 3.5 million
Hyperdrive multiplier: x5
Hyperdrive backup: x15
Nav computer: Limited to 3 jumps
Maneuverability: -1D
Space: 4
Hull: 4D
Shields: 0D
Passive: 30/0D
Scan: 60/1D
Search: 90/2D
Focus: 3/3D
8 double laser cannons
Fire arc: 2 left, 2 right, 3 front, 1 back
Crew: 4 each
Fire control: 1D
Scale: Capital
Space: 1-3/12/25
Damage: 3D

Particle Cannon
Fire arc: Front
Crew: 7
Fire control: 1D+2
Fire rate: 1/2
Scale: Capital
Space: 3-15/35/65
Damage: 7D
Note: On a roll of a ‘1’ on the wild dice, the gun malfunctions and shuts down. It takes 1D hours and a Very difficult Capital ship weapons repair roll to fix. (It takes only ½ the time and only a moderate roll if they have the specialty CS weapon repair: Particle cannon). Can only fire 6 shots an hour.

8 Blaster cannons
Fire arc: 4 front/left/back, 4 front/right/back
Crew: 2
Fire control: 2D
Scale: Starfighter
Space: 1-3/12/25
Damage: 3D+2

Note: Can carry one wing (36) of starfighters
An Ancient battleship from an unknown culture for use in a forgotten war. These ships still turn up here and there but for the most part are largely forgotten, Resembling a large cannon the vessel sports a decent assortment of weapons. Though in their era they were nearly invincible and a greatly feared weapon, now they are a mechanic’s nightmare to get combat worthy and would be left to rot if not for one thing, its main cannon. A miracle of engineering the particle cannon takes up most of the ship and is very visible, boasting a respectable range (Incredible in its era) the particle cannon can blow through most ships. But for all its advantages the ship is a maintance nightmare with parts routinely break down and need to be replace (usually needing to be custom built). There currently is only one of these cruisers in active service, the privateer ship “Reborn” under the command of Captain Umalk.
Name: Ground Shredders
Craft: Asrack Motors Racing vehical
Type: Racing ground vehical
Scale: Speeder
Length: 6 meters
Skill: Ground vehical operation: Ground shredder
Crew: 1
Crew skill: Varies wildely
Passengers: 2
Cargo capacity: 20 kilograms
Cover: Full
Cost: 10,000 credits (New), 4,000 credits (used)
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Move: 150; 430 kmh
Body: 3D
Another reliable recreation vechicle by Asrack Motors. A decent vehical, they’ve been marketing it heavily as an exicting thrill ride, but most of their target market would rather go out an buy a swoop. Basically an enclosed streamlined frame, four wheels, a couple of seats, and a souped up engine, this vehical, though fast for ground vehicals, gets left behind every time by most repulsorlifts.
Name: Orbital rail cannon
Craft: Jeved Weapon Industries Safire-class orbital rail gun
Type: Space defense weapon
Scale: Capital
Length: 513 meters
Skill: Battle station piloting: Safire rail gun
Crew: 50, Gunners 28; Skeleton 20/+20
Crew skill: Varies, but usually: Battle station piloting 3D+2, Capital ship gunnery 4D+2, Capital ship shields 4D, Sensors 3D+2
Passengers: 4 (Usually VIP’s and observers)
Cargo capacity: 100 metric tons
Consumables: 5 months
Cost: 1.9 million (Only available new)
Space: 2 (Maneuvering mostly)
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 30/1D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 90/4D
Focus: 4/4D+1
Heavy rail cannon
Fire arc: Front
Crew: 12
Fire control: 2D (-4D to hit starfighters)
Scale: Capital
Ammo: 60 shots
Fire rate: 1
Space: 20-24/48/96 (Can’t fire closer than 20 units)
Damage: 16D

8 Laser cannons
Fire arc: Turret
Crew: 2 each
Fire control: 3D
Scale: Starfighter
Space: 1-5/20/41
Damage: 4D

Capsule: Originally designed as a bet, Jeved had the schematics lying around for years before a small planetary defense force came to him asking for an alternative to expensive capital ships. While its rail cannon can literally shred through most capital ships with ease it has a few glaring flaws. For one compared to its main cannon, its starfighter defense is extremely lacking (Though its very accurate). Also compared to most battle stations it’s hull is extremely low (But then again most enemy vessels can’t get close enough to damage the station). The station is best used with a starfighter defense force.

Name: Recreational rotorcraft
Craft: Asrack Motors Light rotorcraft
Type: Light rotorcraft
Scale: Speeder
Length: 6 meters
Skill: Rotorcraft operation: Asrack Rotorcraft (Unskilled -3D)
Crew: 1
Crew skill: Varies wildly
Passengers: 1
Cargo capacity: 30 kilograms
Altitude range: Ground-1km
Cover: Full (3/4 without cockpit window)
Cost: 20,500 credits (new), 9,000 credits (used)
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Move: 105; 300 kmh
Body: 1D+2
A very unique vehicle that’s very seldom seen. Boasting a two person cockpit with a clear transpera-steel window (Which makes for an incredible view), and two huge rotor engines on each side of the cockpit. The engines allow for V.T.O.L and pivots to face backwards to propel the craft to a respectable speed and an very high altitude for such a small craft. Its frame is also quite weak, and its power plant incapable of supporting any weapon attachments however.
Name: AR-003 Defense droid
Type: Fourth degree droid
Model: Rapier droid works AR-003 Defender
Equipment: Blaster rifle (5D)
Dex 3D
Blaster 5D
Dodge 4D
Grenade 5D
Melee combat 4D
Melee parry 4D
Kno 1D
Intimidation 3D
Mec 1D
Per 2D
Search 3D
Str 3D
Tec 1D
First aid 4D
Move: 11 (Legs)
Personality matrix: Elementary
Size: 1.6 meters tall
Cost: 12,050 credits (Availability 3,X)
Special abilities:
Humanoid body (2 arms, 2 legs, torso, head)
2 photoreceptors (Humanoid range)
4 Auditory receptors (Humanoid range)
Concealed vibro-blade (Left arm, easy sensors detects the weapon, Moderate difficulty, 6D damage)
Infrared photoreceptor (+1D to search when tracking for sources of heat)
Internal comlink (50 km clear weather range)

A droid built by Rapier Droid Works for base defense as well as body guard duties. They function decently for both jobs, but compared to other guard droid’s their price is steep and their programming isn’t stellar either. Rapier Droid Works is expected to either drop the price or pull the whole line.
Name: Heavy Repulsor tank
Craft: Modified Trast A-A5 speeder truck
Type: Jeved Weapon Industries Heavy repulsor tank
Scale: Walker
Length: 21.4 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Speeder truck
Crew: 3 (Pilot, Co-pilot, & Commander), Gunners 1; Skeleton 1/+20
Crew skill: Varies widely
Cargo capacity: 12 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude range: Ground-3 meters
Cost: 250,000 credits as modified (Jeved sells them for: 130,000)
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 80; 230 kmh
Body: 4D
Shields: 1D
Heavy blaster cannon
Fire arc: Front
Crew: 1 (Commander)
Scale: Walker
Fire control: 3D
Fire rate: 1/3
Range: 5-400/900/3km
Damage: 6D
Anti-Aircraft missile battery
Fire arc: Turret
Crew: 1
Scale: Speeder
Fire control: 3D
Range: 3-50/100/200
Damage: 4D
2 Anti-infantry cannons (Fire-linked)
Fire arc: Turret
Crew: 1 (Co-pilot or gunner)
Scale: Character
Fire control: 2D
Range: 3-75/200/500
Damage: 4D+1
Note: When using any system a roll of a ‘1’ on a wild dice indicates a malfunction. “Official” Jeved repuslor tanks do not have this draw back.
Basically an armored speeder truck, Jeved built this just to prove that even a speeder truck can enter combat if it’s been modified enough. It lacks any real cargo or troop capacity but that’s hardly the purpose of this vehicle. Equipped with a decent load out of weapons, surprisingly good hull, and a experimental shield generator, Jeved believes that, with clever planning, these tanks could be even a match for an AT-AT, actually it fairs better than most vehicles but is still out gunned and out armored. While a decent tech could do the modifications herself, it would be extremely expensive and unreliable. Jeved somehow managed to stabilize all the systems problems and still some how manages to sell the vehicles for substantially less than what every one else can.
Name: JAM Carrier
Craft: Jeved Weapons Industries Armored Micro fighter carrier
Type: Starfighter carrier
Scale: Capital
Length: 236 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: JAM Carrier
Crew: 10, Gunners 8; skeleton 6/+10
Crew skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 20 (Pilots)
Cargo capacity: 20 metric tons
Consumables: 3 weeks
Cost: 4 million credits (Only available new)
Hyperdrive multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive backup: x10
Nav computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh
Hull: 4D+2
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 80/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 5/4D
4 Quad laser cannons
Fire arc: Turret (2 top, 2 below)
Crew: 2 each
Fire control: 3D
Scale: Starfighter
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 6D
10 automated tractor beam projectors
Fire arc: 5 left, 5 right
Crew: None, System has Skill of 4D
Scale: Starfighter
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 100-500/1.5/3 km
Damage: 2D
Can carry 20 Micro-fighters (10 on the left side, 10 on the right)
The carrier for the Jeved Micro fighters, the ship it self is a solid design and has only a few flaws; the first being that it can only carry micro-fighters and that it lacks any real capital scale weapons. The fighter launch bays actually more resemble launch tubes. The “hanger” is only 5 meters in diameter and the launch way is 7 meters in diameter. With out the aid of the tractor beam’s it takes a skilled pilot to be able to dock or to launch from/into one of these successfully. He originally designed it for a Planetary Government (Which bought twelve of these vessels and plenty of Micro-fighters), and so far he’s sold a few to Rich pirates. Most people are unaware of it but the ships power plant is actually more power full than required making it easy to install additional weapons, equipment, shielding, etcetera. Its very long and sleek, and resembles an underwater submarine.
Jeved Weapon Industries sells the JAM cruiser and the Micro fighter separately, but usually people buy a JAM cruiser with a full load out (Jeved Weapon Industries sells it for 5,760,000. A 10% discount!)
Name: Micro Fighter
Craft: Jeved Weapon Industries Micro attack fighter
Type: Micro attack fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 3.25 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Jeved Micro Fighter
Crew: 1
Crew skill: Varies
Cargo capacity: 2 kilograms
Consumables: No air, need vacuum suit, batteries last for 4 days, it takes one hour to recharge in JAM carrier.
Cost: 120,000 credits (Only available new)
Maneuverability: 3D (2D in atmosphere)
Space: 9
Atmosphere: 400; 1150 kmh
Hull: 2D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 10/0D
Scan: 20/1D
Search: 30/2D
Focus: 1/2D+2
2 Blaster cannons (Fire linked)
Fire arc: Front
Fire control: 2D
Space: 1-7/20/31
Atmosphere: 100-700/2/3.1 km
Damage: 5D+2
Micro-proton torpedo launcher
Fire arc: Front
Fire control: 0D
Space: 1/3/7
Atmosphere: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 9D

Hardly cheap or durable this fighter is still a nimble and fast attack ship. Built to be used with the JAM carrier, they were originally built for an extremely rich planetary governor who wanted an unique starfighter carrier. Jeved kept the design around in case anyone else wanted to buy one. It has a few flaws but the main one being its lack of hull, minimal sensors, lack of landing gear, but overshadowing most of those (Except maybe the hull), is its fine tuned batteries that are unable to accept any more power drain. Basically it looks like a circular pod with the main features being the cockpit and the engines, the two blaster cannons are sunk into the main hull on eather side of the cockpit and the torpedo launcher is set underneath the main body.

Last edited by ZepDek on Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it's very short.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you may have forgotten to post the actual stats Razz

[edit] i see that you posted them now, ill have to have a gander Razz
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yea..sorry about not posting anything...
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, since no one else has commented on these yet I suppose I'll take a stab at the first craft. Please don't take anything I say as anything other than constructive criticism (ask Vong---I am his main supplier of that I think). With that said:

The Air Screamer is a really neat concept. I like the fact that it's non-VTOL, the pilot has to deal with G-forces because of the insane speeds (faster than an A-wing and as fast as a jet fighter (depending on altitude)), and that it's hard to fly (the unskilled penalty). The skill I am unsure of, since you're operating something using the ion engines from a cloud car, which uses Repulsorlift Operations. But since the repulsorlifts have been removed, that would make me think Starfighter Piloting would work fine. The main problem I see with the Air Screamer is that it is completely mismatched when put up against any type of starfighter. Because of the scale difference, it will almost never get hit, though if it does it's toast. It will be very easy to target enemy starfighters, but almost never actually cause damage unless it's using its two mini-torps. The Air Screamer would not be a good choice for combating pirates; instead it would be more (read: excellently) suited for dealing with other smaller aircraft encroaching on its territory. Also an interceptor should have some sort of sensor package---flying blind at that speed wouldn't just make planetary defense difficult, it would be suicidal.

Honestly I haven't had time yet to look over your other designs with more than a cursory glance, however I assure you that I will (though whether I post or not is up in the air Wink)
Arek | Kage
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Matthias777 wrote:
Hey, since no one else has commented on these yet I suppose I'll take a stab at the first craft. Please don't take anything I say as anything other than constructive criticism (ask Vong---I am his main supplier of that I think). With that said:

The Air Screamer is a really neat concept. I like the fact that it's non-VTOL, the pilot has to deal with G-forces because of the insane speeds (faster than an A-wing and as fast as a jet fighter (depending on altitude)), and that it's hard to fly (the unskilled penalty). The skill I am unsure of, since you're operating something using the ion engines from a cloud car, which uses Repulsorlift Operations. But since the repulsorlifts have been removed, that would make me think Starfighter Piloting would work fine. The main problem I see with the Air Screamer is that it is completely mismatched when put up against any type of starfighter. Because of the scale difference, it will almost never get hit, though if it does it's toast. It will be very easy to target enemy starfighters, but almost never actually cause damage unless it's using its two mini-torps. The Air Screamer would not be a good choice for combating pirates; instead it would be more (read: excellently) suited for dealing with other smaller aircraft encroaching on its territory. Also an interceptor should have some sort of sensor package---flying blind at that speed wouldn't just make planetary defense difficult, it would be suicidal.

Honestly I haven't had time yet to look over your other designs with more than a cursory glance, however I assure you that I will (though whether I post or not is up in the air Wink)

Actually most of what you commented on was designed that way on purpose. This fighter was really not built for "true" combat, Jeved mostly built it to see if he could build the fastest air craft that could actually outrun most space interceptors. But yea, I probablly should add some sensors (was using other vehicals as a base, and they don't have sensors), I agree that it is mismatched (thats one of the problems buying it), its not a streight up gunner, its designed to keep the aircraft busy until the heavy guns arrive. But thanks for your suggesions (I might actually replace its skill for star fighter piloting), Any other suggestions?
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here are my questions..

Name: Air Screamer

This is listed as having a high speed from engines, 8 meters in length AND 3 weapons?? While a great concept it seems a little out of whak..

Note: Used against incoming missiles and torpedo attacks (Not to mention tail gaiters), This basically works as a parry attempt, the firer rolls his Star ship gunnery against the Aloof’s Starship gunnery (The Aloof’s action is a “free” action). Projectiles that miss the gunnery difficulty explode two space units away, those that pass are figured normally.
Ship Note: After every battle the Aloof participates in, assign it 1-10 character points (Depending on how critical the battle was, and how successful the droid was), As normal these character points can be saved, used to improve existing skills, or to add new ones. Also the droid brains, if taken appropriate actions can accumulate force points. Aloof fighters (When sold new) have zero character points. The ship-board batteries can power the ship for 60 days, it takes one hour to recharge the batteries when depleted (only from a star port or a capital ship power plant, though a S9 heavy power droid can do it in 12 hours).

Wow.. not only a droid but one which gets FP and CP.. As well as free actions. Again way too potent. I can possibily see the self learning (though that would make it an AI which would brook against its training and "owners") for getting cp, i cannot for FP. Also i would not have the point defense laser be a free action.

Also, how advanced were the makers of this and why were they not conquored by the empire for making AI droids??

Name: Argoe cruiser

Not bad, and a lot better in balance, though the 36 fighters is a bit much for something not even half the size of a carrack, which can only hold 1 squadron.

Name: Orbital rail cannon

That almost has the same damage out put as a death star with that rail gun... 16d is WAY too much.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That helps me understand a bit more, ZepDek. For something that's just meant to harass incoming fighters until the big guns arrive, it does have a lot of weaponry. I would say to get rid of all but the missiles and increase the torp loadout to 6. I still think that changing the scale to Walker would be a good idea...tames it a bit (though it's still insanely fast), and makes it so that it actually has a slight chance of doing some damage (maybe) with the blaster cannons (maybe change them to 4D+1 Walker-scale). I doubt pirates would pay any attention to a craft that's not even scratching the hull, but obviously because of the type of craft (as well as a need for balance) it shouldn't do damage easily.
Arek | Kage
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry about not posting for a while, I can only get online about once a week. Okay I'll try to awnser you questions as best I can Garhkal
garhkal wrote:
Here are my questions..

Name: Air Screamer

This is listed as having a high speed from engines, 8 meters in length AND 3 weapons?? While a great concept it seems a little out of whak..

Note: Used against incoming missiles and torpedo attacks (Not to mention tail gaiters), This basically works as a parry attempt, the firer rolls his Star ship gunnery against the Aloof’s Starship gunnery (The Aloof’s action is a “free” action). Projectiles that miss the gunnery difficulty explode two space units away, those that pass are figured normally.
Ship Note: After every battle the Aloof participates in, assign it 1-10 character points (Depending on how critical the battle was, and how successful the droid was), As normal these character points can be saved, used to improve existing skills, or to add new ones. Also the droid brains, if taken appropriate actions can accumulate force points. Aloof fighters (When sold new) have zero character points. The ship-board batteries can power the ship for 60 days, it takes one hour to recharge the batteries when depleted (only from a star port or a capital ship power plant, though a S9 heavy power droid can do it in 12 hours).

Wow.. not only a droid but one which gets FP and CP.. As well as free actions. Again way too potent. I can possibily see the self learning (though that would make it an AI which would brook against its training and "owners") for getting cp, i cannot for FP. Also i would not have the point defense laser be a free action.

Also, how advanced were the makers of this and why were they not conquored by the empire for making AI droids??

Name: Argoe cruiser

Not bad, and a lot better in balance, though the 36 fighters is a bit much for something not even half the size of a carrack, which can only hold 1 squadron.

Name: Orbital rail cannon

That almost has the same damage out put as a death star with that rail gun... 16d is WAY too much.

As for the Air screamer, I based the weapons load out from modern day jets (Something that I belive Star wars can do quite well don't you?), but I'll take Matthias777 suggestion and replace the missile with torps, upgrade it to walker scale, drop its hull to 1D+2 (it's not suppose to be able to take ANY kind of a hit, its pilot is suppose to try and dodge), and drop its blaster cannon down to 4D.

For the Aloof fighter, in my campain's droid characters can gain force points (it just takes some work), but if you don't like it change it (it doesn't significantly change the droid in my mind), for the "free parry" action that was taken pretty much word for word out of the WEG D6 starship's point defense system (A weapon actually desined just for this very purpose). As for the empire going againt them for making AI droids, both JWI and rapier droid works operate in an indepent sector of space (in the far outer rim) these guys ARE NOT licenced manufactures, their equipment is illegal, hard to find, and expensive. Before you ask why an independent group can make weapons this good, its because I needed them to in my campain, if you guys need to change anything feel free to.

For the Argoe Cruiser....I was guessing how big and how many squadrons, I was trying to make it about half the size of a dreadnaught (but didn't have the stats for them) and guessed on how many ships to put in, maybe I will drop it down to 12 starfighters.

For the orbital rail cannon, maybe 16D is a bit much, but considering that its basically a planetary defense cannon mounted up in space (and some of those can get easily up to 12D). But now that I think about, the way the stats are some ones going to use it to nuke a planet, easily fixed, the weapon it self (Unlike the death stars, which is death star scale also), won't be able to destroy a planet (maybe screw it up a little and completly destroy any city it hits), because its basically a large, very dense, insanily fast moving peice of metal, it's going to kill most starships it hits, but its calibrated to only really work on capital ships. But eh, I'll drop the damage down to 10D.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the Aloof fighter, in my campain's droid characters can gain force points

IS that any droid or just PC droids?
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Orbital Rail Cannon IS super powerful, but it doesn't have the maneuverability that other space stations may. Being insanely powerful is ok if it cannot be moved easily..

I like the idea of planetary defense and may just use this if thats ok. I think I'm going to change a few things though.

1. The Defense station may be built in segments, however assembled in the orbit of the planet that it will be defending.
2. No movement, only its natural orbit
3. Works in tandem with other similar stations to create a grid
4. They are programmed to fire on objects that create a distortion within the gravitational pull of the planet unless an ID is transmitted by an incoming ship.

I know those things have little to no baring on the actual stats of the stations, but I just figured I'd throw out there how I would use your creations.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To Garhkal: Actually in my campain any droid, pc or npc, can gain force points, its just that sence they automatically start with none, they have to work much much harder at gaining them.

For Golbez: Actually most of your suggestions are what I had in mind for the Rail cannon, to move (beyond maybe some simple manuvering) it requires tugs to pull it along. It generally only can fire forward (but can alter its direction with thrusters), and generally work better in large groups. Also another thing I noted about the stats as I was working on them is that during pitched battles the main gun can run out of ammo fairly quickly (forgot to add that each rail gun shot costs 2,000 credits). but looking over the stats I forgot one thing that a freind suggested, The Main cannon has a fire rate of 1/5 (as it takes time to charge up the electromagnites to full firing capacity.)
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