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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:59 pm Post subject: Oryn's Path |
The shuttle bounces once more like a crazy dewback due to a near turbolaser explosion. That was the fith time since the shuttle leaved the hangar bay of the Republic Cruiser "Retibution".
Oryn Fey'llis felt his stomach follow the bounces of the shuttle as the inertial modulators tried to compensate the movements with little success.
"Wow! that was close isn't it?!" asked H'tson the brown skinned twi'lek seated at Oryn's right.
"The only thing worse than our pilot skill is your ability to speak" replied Va-S-Ke the near human female who was in charge of the heavy weapons in the mission.
The rest of the group smiled back at Va reply, all more veteran than Oryn in that kind of situations. All except the two jedi who were near the shuttle landing ramp. The older of the two, a man in his middle ages, bald and with grey eyes, the master for wich Oryn could had hear, had his eyes closed, in some kind of meditative state. The younger one was looking at the team with his brown and great eyes, as if he could read their minds. Oryn found difficult to read the facial expresion of the Mon Cal, but even the apprentice seemed calm.
"You could always let Kicks to pilot this thing!" replied the pilot, a Dresselian who seemed to fight against the controls " if he weren't asleep even in the middle of a battle!"
"Don't be hurt Ross" replied Va "but this battle against the Sith has taken over a month now, it's normal that Kicks is bored"
Oryn looked towards the human that the rest of the team called Kicks, he was asleep, his head leaning over the intertial modulators.
The rest of the team laughted at his joke. Oryn had been assigned to that squad just at the begining of the Russan Battle, and they still treat him as the greenie. That was the first time they will be going to face real battle together and, even if they showed as calm as always, Oryn could say that their constant jokes were meant to easy their tension.
"Still " the calm, deep voice of the jedi master seemed to silence even the sounds of the battle that raged around them. " You all should be prepared. We are about to board the Sith Flagship in an attempt to rescue some Jedi prisioners. Those capable of imprision them should not be taken lightly. Not even for a squad as prepared as yours. I suggest that you check your equipment. We are closing to our target."
Oryn lokked across the pilot's window and even from his rearward position he could see the Sith Flagship closing at great speed. Even with smoke pouring from several points of its inmense hull, and with most of it's engines disabled, the Sith ship was an impressive view, still fighting against three Cruisers that were still firing upon it. |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:26 am Post subject: |
Just as the Jedi said, Oryn checks his equipment again. He looks if his tools are attached to his belt and wont come off on their own. He looks as his Heavy Sonic weapon that should even give Lightsaber swining Sith a hard time and checks if it's completely operational.
"Well, can't get more prepared then this i suppose. I just hope we get there in one piece, or this might be the shortest mission of all time."
He looks back at the two Jedi, especially the older of them:
"Master Jedi, might I ask if you have any intel about were exactly the Prisoners are and what kind of enemies we have to expect guarding them? I don't suppose that only a few soldiers of them are guarding such important prisoners." |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:13 pm Post subject: |
The Jedi Master opens his eyes and looks at Oryn.
"You are right soldier. Obviously there are some Sith aboard that ship. Beign the Flagship of this fleet we could expect that some of the most powerful Sith Lords would be present. Still, we are not prepared to face such an enemy."
Another turbolaser explodes near the shuttle and sends it spining for a couple of seconds before the pilot is able to control it again. Then the Master continues.
"The success of this mission is based on stealth. We are here to provide as many help as we can in the fight, but mainly to cover us for our enemies senses while we recover the prisioners. That's why we are using a fake transponder code emitter, that's why we wear this Sith clothes, and..."
The starship bounces again and even Kicks wakes up. The pilot mutters some curses in Huttese.
"And that's why our ships are firing at us." concludes the Jedi Master with a smile.
"Well, get ready back there" says the pilot "we are getting real close of our destination. They have transmitted another docking bay for us but it is too far of the prison deck. You have to descend three decks to reach it. Don't thank me and pay me a round once we are back at home".
Looking outside Oryn could only see the superstructure of the Sith Flagship covering all the viewscreen, with the hangar bay directly ahead of them. |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:40 pm Post subject: |
"Ah, yeah... stealth... I almost forgot... let's just hope they won't see right through our disguise." Oryn looks down on the Sith Clothes he's wearing. Was never good at those stealth and recon missions, barely passed the drills back at military training...
Oryn nods to the Jedis, then replys to Ross "Well, couldn't expect to get everything we want.
And wait with your subliminal demands until after we got out of here!" he adds with a faint smile.
Oryn mentally prepares for the landing and the task ahead of them. |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:09 am Post subject: |
Finally the shutttle makes its way through the battle and enter the hangar bay.
A little bit hard at first, but the skill of the pilot, Ferro, is enough to stop it, spin around its axis, leaving the ramp facing the ship and the nose of the shuttle to the void of the space, and settle it gently.
"Ok ladies and gents, I will came up with some engine test to keep it hot. But try not to stop to take an Ithorian tea with those slimos."
Grunting the rest of the team stands and gets ready.
H'tson, Va-S-Ke, Kicks, Rawzorsky and the sergeant, Atone check their weapons again. They all seemed umconfortable on their Sith guards suits.
The sergeant took out of his mouth the nemodian cigar he uses to smoke and put it carefuly in one of his pockets.
"Ok babies, we escort the jedi to the cells, take the prisioners "into custody" and come back here. Piece of cake. Va-S-ke, try not to fire to our own men this time. Now move!"
The jedi, who was waiting for the Sgt. to end opened the ramp and descended it.
The hangar bay was full of activity. Mechanics were trying to jury jig some damaged starfighters, people were running from one side of the hangar to another, refulling, reloading weapons. The sounds of the battle outside seemed to be somehow mitigated by the gravity force field that kept the atmosphere inside the ship.
A deck officer approached them and spoke to the jedi.
"It is incredible you were able to make it Sir. We were wondering why you changed your assigned docking bay, but I guess that it is pretty messy out there isn't it?" he says to them, at least it seemed that their disguises are working so far. The squad looked nervous, staring at every sudden movement near them.
"We are not here to exchange pleasentries." cutted the jedi. Oryn was surprised by how his voice had changed. Now it sounded more like cold ironsteel "we are here to collect some prisioners and transfer them. Be sure that our pilot has anything he needs."
The deck officer seemed a little bit shocked and checked his datapad.
"Hmmm, uuh.. oh yes, yes... we were expecting you... Sir. Deck 45C, Corridor Delta, Detention block 23A" he looked back a little bit anxiously to the team and the Jedi Master. Then he stepped away muttering something like " If you excuse me Sir" and motion to some technicians to resupply the ship.
The group crossed the hangar towards the turbolift in silence. Once they were inside it and lowering the two decks they needed, at least the pilot was right and they are pretty close to the detention deck.
Still there was something that didn't seem right to Oryn. His squad felt the same way.
"Is there anything wrong Sir?" asked the sergeant to the Master.
"That man said they were expecting us." his voice was again calm, peaceful. " No one provided us with that cover. They knew we were coming." |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:26 am Post subject: |
Oryn shifts nervously from one feet to the other in the lift. The disguise has worked so far, but they're still surrounded by the enemie.
After hearing the Jedi Master telling everyone that they shouldn't have been expected, he says "So this might be a trap? But how could they possibly know we're coming? Not even our own people knew that, or they wouldn't have tried to shoot us down."
Oryn can't understand how the Jedi can be calm in this kind of situation. |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:16 pm Post subject: |
"It is, in fact, a trap." Says the Jedi Master answering Oryn question. "It wouldn't be polite to avoid it after all the work our hosts had taken, don't you agree?. " some of the members of the squad laughs at that sentence and take out the safety of their weapons.
"We could ask them for their information channels once we have tested the strenght of theit trap." The two jedi grab their lightsabers as the turbolift begins to stop. |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:23 pm Post subject: |
Oryns nervousness fades away and, like the others, he laughs at the comment of the Jedi. "Agreed."
He removes the safety from his trusty Heavy Sonic Pistol that served him so well till now. He then shifts his position so that he may have a clear shot to whatever awaits outside the turbolift, trying not to stay in the line of sight of the other members, especially the Jedi.
"Well, let's get the party started then." |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:03 am Post subject: |
A few more tense seconds later the turbolift stops and the doors open with a mechanical hiss.
In front of them there is a corridor, the black plasteel that covered both walls and celing were light iluminated by a dim red light. Somewhere in the distance an alarm sounds, but it has to be more with the battle that still rages outside than with them.
To both sides of the tubolift there are two more corridors, one to the left and the other one to the right, each ending in another intersection.
They should go straight ahead but once they all have exited the turbolift and secured the position, covering the three corridors, the jedi ponders.
"What do you and your men suggest sergeant?. Do we proceed with the plan or try to be creative?. You are the expert in this topic."
If Oryn has something to say probably now it's the moment to do it. |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:26 am Post subject: |
"If I may interject here", Oryn says to not completely overlook the sergeant, "if we could find a terminal or something similiar, I might be able to hack into the systems of the ship. If we're lucky, I might be able to get access to the ship's cameras, maybe even some lifesign detectors. That way, I might find out if and where enemies are stationed in the near vicinity, maybe even sabotage them so that they don't know when and from where we're coming.
Of course, they might have prepared for that and shut down all terminals here, and it will also take some time..." |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:50 am Post subject: |
"That's a good idea" says the Sergeant.
The team move ahead looking for a terminal but as soon as they advance just a few meters twin blast doors fall suddenly from the ceiling, closing both sides of the corridor.
Va-S-Ke swears in some alien language and the two jedi donīt hesitate to use their lightsaber to start opening a hole in the front blast door. Still it will take some time.
Time that, perhaps the brave Republic commandos don't have, as they all can hear a hiss coming from both the ceiling and the floor.
"They are gasing us!"
A greenous fog starts to fill the closed corridor. |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:50 am Post subject: |
"Dammit. Should have expected that!"
Oryn gives a low growl and turnes to the other blast door behind them that is not being handled by Jedi.
"Maybe I can open this faster..."
He takes his tools from the belt and tries to open the other blast door in hopes of being fast enough for them not to suffocate or being poisoned because of the gas, while trying to hold his breath when the gas filled the room to a point that he couldn't breath in anything else.
{OOC: Security - blast door: 6D;
I have honestly no idea how Blast Doors work and if there is some way to open them from here. But Oryn should know that ^^ So I won't go into much Detail regarding that. I hope that is ok?
Regarding the "holding the breath":
Probably the Gas is heavier then the air, so it should fill from the bottom to the top the room, so there should be some time before the gas reaches the head of Oryn (if the gas is really more heavy ^^). So Oryn will start holding his breath as soon as the gas reaches his shoulders so that he still has some Time breathing before he has to hold his breath.} |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:55 am Post subject: |
Oryn dismounts the manteniance panel of the rear blast door and access to the wired console. He has to patch and bypass several cables and circuits but when he's still looking for it the gas fill the hall and he has to hold his breath. The worse thing is that the gas fill his eyes and irritate them, so he has a hard time trying to figure out wich cable to cut and wich one to bypass.
Still his skilled fingers move without hesitation and just fifteen seconds after they all had to hold their breath the blast door opens, allowing them to retreat while the Jedi continue cutting through the front door.
The other part of the hall is sealed to, but there are no gas coming out for that ventilation ducts, so Oryn had bought some time to all while the gas disperses a little bit.
Over the internal comm system of the ship a mechanical, cold female voice, perhaps of a droid or a computer says.
"Republic commandos. You now prisioners of the Sith Empire. Drop your weapons and prepare to be imprisioned" |
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Quetzacotl Commander

Joined: 29 Jan 2013 Posts: 281 Location: Germany
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:48 am Post subject: |
Oryn rubs his eyes as they still sting because of the gas. Memo to self, next time take some gas proof gooles with you.
He then turns to the Sergeant. "So, what do we do next? Do we wait for the Jedi to finish cutting through the door or should I try to open the next door as well?".
Oryn draws several deep breath while he still has the time for that, since the room is already filling with gas again and he will soon have to hold his breath again. |
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Frandal Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 06 Feb 2013 Posts: 157 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:06 am Post subject: |
"Affirmative. Clear us the path back to the turbolift" says the Sgt.
The voice came out again.
"Drop your weapons. This is your last warning" |
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