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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:06 am Post subject: Chapter 1: Riptide |
Over the next hour, the characters scramble to pack their meagre belongings and say their goodbuys before finding their way to the shuttle bay. Once there, they find Master Floran standing beside the lowered loading ramp of a 578-R Space Transport.
The ship's light grey hull appears smooth and unblemished. Its forward viewport is polished to crystal clarity. Scrawled along the starboard side of the ship, just below the viewport is the name; Azure Saber.
Even as the first character approaches, two uniformed humanoids come walking down the boarding ramp, "Master Floran, the Saber is stocked and ready to go."
Master Floran nods in acknowledgement, then turns to greet the characters even as the two humanoids start for a different exit. |
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Jedi Skyler Moff

Joined: 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 8440
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:14 pm Post subject: |
Gryphon approaches Master Floran and bows at the waist. "Master," he says, taking a place beside Floran, to await the arrival of the other travelers. |
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Raven Redstar Rear Admiral

Joined: 10 Mar 2009 Posts: 2648 Location: Salem, OR
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:58 pm Post subject: |
As Mishi enters the landing bay, he immediately takes accounting of all pertinent information needed to disappear at a moment’s notice: the location of personnel, any cover, and any areas with proper shadows created by the room’s light or natural light.
He approaches Master Floran and bows deeply.
“Master, I’m yours to command.” _________________ RR
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:15 am Post subject: |
Revv enters the staging area and takes a brief glance at the vessel that will carry the group to unkown destinations and would be his home for the near future. He wondered briefly about its capabilities.
After a quick moment Revv focuses his attention on the Masters and Knights gathered below the ship. Not expending the effort to conceal his excitement, Revv cracks a quick smile before greeting each of the Master's in turn and then taking is place in line to wait for the other arrivals. |
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Zela Cadet

Joined: 05 Sep 2012 Posts: 16
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:06 pm Post subject: |
Zela enters the shuttle bay, wrinkling her nose at the smell of machinery. She calmly counts the number of people waiting before the transport and is relieved to count four people.
She nods her head in approval. It is good that we start our journey with some good-luck.
Bag slung over one shoulder, potted plant tucked under her right arm, Zela approaches Master Floran and bows at the waist, adding a hand flourish to show her wish for his good health. She then steps to the side and curiously observes her fellow knights. She’s never really noticed the furred one before and cocks her head slightly as she contemplates him. As she passes her gaze over the other two, she notices Rev is clearly excited and she can’t help but smile.
Positive energy is always welcome luck on a journey, she thinks.
Looking down at her little plant, her mind wanders as she waits for their adventure to begin. |
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Jedi Skyler Moff

Joined: 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 8440
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:16 am Post subject: |
Gryphon watches as his fellow Knights join him at the ship. He glances at Master Floran and says, "Master, I've been thinking about our upcoming mission. The issue had never really crossed my mind before, because my Master was always in charge and took care of least, things he did not either expect me to attend to, or things he didn't intend to use to somehow teach me a lesson. However, since we've been Knighted, things have taken on a new dimension. I wish I'd have had the foresight to ask my Master about it before now, but since I did not, the question falls to you: What do we do about expenses? We are obviously going to incur them; and as we are Jedi, we do not have a typical 'occupation,' as others do. We don't earn an income, and at the Temple, all our needs are seen to. How does that work for us, now that we are Jedi about to deploy to the field?" |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:22 pm Post subject: |
Master Floran gives Gryphon a warm smile, turning to that he can address everyone who is currently gathered, "All of your basic needs will be taken care of, the Temple will be funding your mission. Any additional gear you need along the way can either be requested through th Temple, or you can find ways to fund those purchases yourselves."
Glancing at the boarding ramp, "You are welcome to any of the passanger's cabins. We will all meet in the cockpit once our pilot arrives."
As the characters enter the ship, they are all struck by how clean and sterile the ship looks. Even the air has a stale, unlived in smell to it. Its fairly obvious that the ship has seen little to no use. |
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Jedi Skyler Moff

Joined: 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 8440
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:04 am Post subject: |
Gryphon bows his head at Floran. "Very good, Master."
Gryphon checks out the ship's layout, then sets himself up in the cabin closest to the boarding ramp, so he'll be able to debark at a moment's notice, should the need arise. |
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Crell Damar Line Captain

Joined: 31 Jul 2003 Posts: 845
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:17 pm Post subject: |
Garren is obviously the last one to arrive at the ship; he tromps up the ship’s ramp and walks past the group, barely noticing them; he’s obviously perturbed about something. He makes his way to the captain’s cabin, dropping his gear bag in the locker within and locking it. He walks past the bed and pushes down on it a few times testing how comfortable the mattress on it might be, and frowns.
“Better get to the cockpit and do pre-flight.” He says aloud to himself; he then heads out of the room and makes his way up to the bridge. He starts for a moment at the group loitering in the cockpit, not realizing that anyone would be there, let alone a small crowd. He then begins making his way through the crowd to the main pilot’s chair and sits down.
Once seated, his hands take to the board, flipping switches and turning nobs as deftly as many Jedi handle their lightsabers. His eyes roam about the panels checking gauges and readouts to ensure the ship is prepped and ready to go.
As he finishes pre-flight, he spins his chair around to face the crowd behind him, and pay attention to the discussion. _________________ "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire. "
Obi-Wan Kenobi |
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Jedi Skyler Moff

Joined: 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 8440
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:38 pm Post subject: |
Once he has his gear in his cabin, Gryphon returns to the cockpit. He notices their pilot has come aboard, and is checking out the instrumentation of the new ship. Gryphon comes up behind him and says, "Captain, I've not had much experience on least, not as a crew member. I've usually only been a passenger. However, I am more than willing to learn, so as we have time, and if you have inclination, please feel free to teach me the various systems on board so I may be of help." |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:49 pm Post subject: |
As Garren turns in his seat, he finally lets his surroundings sink in. Looking around, he sees nothing to suggest that the ship has ever been used, there are no worn buttons, no marks on the walls, not even any visible scuffs or scratches on the deck plating from regular use. Taking a deep breath at the realization, he gets a lung full of that 'new starship' smell.
Master Floran steps into the cockpit, moving to one side so the other characters can enter behind him, "It pleases me to see you again Garren Ruen." The ageing Amonian says while he waits for everyone to find a pleace to sit or stand in the cockpit. |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:31 pm Post subject: |
Revv makes his say up the ramp and claims whatever bunk may be left. He lightly tosses his bag onto the cot and quickly takes a look around at the room that will pass for home, at least for the time being. After a moment or two, he makes his way to the cockpit.
Upon entering the cockpit area, Revv nods at those present and then locks eyes with Garren, who appears to be the pilot. With a smile, Revv aks: "What size crew is required to fly this vessel?" |
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Crell Damar Line Captain

Joined: 31 Jul 2003 Posts: 845
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:15 am Post subject: |
Garren barely notices Gryphon’s attempts to get his attention. As he turns his seat to face the group, he sees Gryphon’s attention directed precisely at him. He cycles back through his check and remembers someone trying to talk to him.
“Sorry about that.” Garren says to Gryphon. He looks at him for a moment while not obviously thinking.
“I’d love to teach you, but there are a few things that concern me more. First: Job security, if you can fly the ship, you won’t need me anymore! Second: if this mission goes sideways, I want to make damn sure that y’all drop everything to come and rescue me.”
Garren grins widely.
Finally taking notice of the ship’s good shape, he starts looking around for an air freshener can, making sure that the new smell is legitimate. After seeing nothing, there’s an inkling of a smile that touches his face, worried the Jedi master will notice, he squelches the expression in favor of a cooler, more laid back one. He slumps in his seat a little and finds something to rest his feet on. _________________ "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire. "
Obi-Wan Kenobi |
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Raven Redstar Rear Admiral

Joined: 10 Mar 2009 Posts: 2648 Location: Salem, OR
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:09 pm Post subject: |
Mishi’peshu wanders into the ship with the rest of the group; he finds himself modest accommodations and sets down his bag. Not wanting to keep the master waiting, Mishi tries to hurry himself to cockpit, however with his lack of experience on ships summarily gets lost within the corridors. Rather than giving into his frustration, he calmly begins exploring the ship until he either spots another of his fellow Jedi to follow, or he finds his way on his own. _________________ RR
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Jedi Skyler Moff

Joined: 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 8440
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:31 pm Post subject: |
Gryphon raises an eyebrow at Garren's response. "Your position as Captain is not in jeopardy; my offer to learn was simply to make things easier for you, as well as to provide a possible backup in the event you become ill or injured and cannot fly the ship when required." He looks Garren straight in the eye. "I'm a Jedi first; if piloting had been my lifelong dream, I'd have learned at the Temple." He spreads his hands out to the sides. "My offer is borne out of possible necessity, of my penchant for trying to always be prepared, nothing more.
"And besides; you're a member of this team. It's a given that we would rescue you, should the need arise." |
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